[07-09] Integrated System Usability and Reliability Assurance and Improvement

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2019-07-04  |  【打印】 【关闭




  题目:Integrated System Usability and Reliability Assurance and Improvement 


  With the reliance of software, systems, and services for work, life, and societal functions by the massive number of end users in our interconnected world, usability and reliability became two of the most important quality requirements. In our recent research, we have integrated techniques and models from both human-computer interaction (HCI) and software engineering (SE) to develop synergistic solutions to ensure both usability and reliability. In this talk, we will report recent research in three interconnected topic areas: 1) We developed a new method to identify navigation related Web usability problems based on comparing actual and anticipated usage patterns. The actual usage patterns can be extracted from Web server logs, and the anticipated usage is constructed by cognitive experts. The deviation data produced from the comparison of the two models can help us discover usability issues and suggest corrective actions to improve usability. We applied this approach on a small service-oriented website, identified usability problems, and quantified usability improvement by the higher task success rate and lower time and effort for given tasks after suggested corrections were implemented. 2) Markov operational profile (Markov OP) is a type of usage models for large applications, which can be constructed based on actual usage of the application by target users recorded in existing web logs. To maintain the accuracy of such usage model after system maintenance and evolution but before new usage data become available, we use activity diagrams from software development and task models from user interface design (UID) to update the Markov OP. We have applied our method in a web application to provide an initial validation of its applicability and effectiveness in producing quantifiable improvements in testing effectiveness and in reliability. 3) We developed a general measurement framework for usability and a classification scheme of usability problems by adapting methods and models from both measurement theory and from software engineering, particularly adapting a software defect classification and analysis framework called orthogonal defect classification (ODC). This research topic covers work in usability problem analysis for several application domains, including cloud computing, web application and services, and safety-critical systems. 



  田建辉(Jeff Tian)生于西安,曾就学于西安交通大学 工业自动化专业(1982 学士),哈佛大学(美国)工程科学专业(1986 硕士),马里兰大学 (美国)计算机科学专业(1992 博士)。1995年起, 任职于美国南卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University or SMU, 现任该校计算机科学技术系和工程管理信息系统系终身教授, 并在2009 创办了NSF NCSS-I/UCRC(美国国家科学基金会网云软件及系统校企合作研究中心, 至今连年获得NSF资助。2017年起任西北大学客座教授,1992-1995 IBM加拿大软件实验室质量分析师。1995年起田教授与IBM, Verizon, Nortel等公司进行长期产研合作。田教授的主要学术成就包括:8次被国际著名期刊JSSJournal of Systems and Software)评为系统与软件工程领域全球排名前15名学者, 2008年全球排名第7; 1998 获美国国家科学基金会杰出青年教授奖; 2001年度美国杰出亚裔工程师; 专著Software Quality Engineering WileyIEEE CS Press2005联合出版并被全世界20余所高校用为研究生教材;发表国际一流学术期刊论文39, 其中 8篇发表于国际顶尖学报IEEE/TSE IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering)和IEEE/THMS (IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems).